Machine Learning for Everyone!
Stop ignoring real opportunities while “big-data” is pursued in back-offices. Skilled resources are rarely assigned to isolated applications with a few thousand data rows. Organizations are ignoring potential gains.
MagicOpt changes this: smaller data, point solutions, and independent teams are not left behind. Your Focussed, Tiny Data Challenges are Solved. We’ve made it fast and super-easy for business people, analysts, and even data scientists!
MagicOpt makes predictions by “filling-in-the-blanks” on spreadsheets (or with our API). Almost instantly, MagicOpt’s groundbreaking techniques solve your challenges and make high-quality predictions.
For data scientists, MagicOpt’s hypertuning service combines powerful explore/exploit surface exploration techniques with our rapid learning technology. MagicOpt is 10-100 times more efficient than common alternatives and continuously gets better.
MagicOpt hypertuning takes just minutes to set up. It performs world-class hypertuning ‘find-best-settings” command or notebook call or several API options designed to easily integrate with your workflow.
MagicOpt brings instant machine learning to small, focused scenarios and helps data scientists extract maximum gains from massive optimization challenges.

Stateless Cloud Learning
MagicOpt works in the cloud.
Our python client or REST calls send parameter definitions and prior data to receive predictions or trial recommendations.
Get instant predictions in milliseconds or achieve optimal hypertuning results in under 10-15% of the trials!

Powerful Visualization
MagicOpt learns your data quickly and deeply.
Our visualization tools help you understand the predicted or outcome surface quickly. You will gain insights into relationships and interactions learned during the prediction or hypertuning process.

Your Data is Secure
For predictions, only obfuscated information about the parameters and learning examples is exchanged.
For hypertuning, we never see your raw data at all and obfuscate the hyperparameter information.
We don’t store parameter or request information (unless you enable long term optimizations for your project, then we may store summary results and a subset of the obfuscated data).

MagicOpt Hypertuning
Optimal Learning
Optimizers balance learning (‘explore’) while maximizing (‘exploit’) results. MagicOpt’s approach achieves these joint goals with unprecedented efficiency.
We go far beyond manual or open-source methods without resorting to expensive consulting or custom solutions. Extract peak value from your data and models.
Executing hundreds or thousands of trials is not always an option. Our new breed of optimizer layers multiple technologies and steers optimization hyper efficiently. MagicOpt’s strategic learning finds better outcomes faster.
Visualizing The Solution
Data Informs
MagicOpt’s approach not only makes predictions or helps optmize hyperparameters, but adds confidence that nothing was missed. Visualization and summary information helps you fully understand the challenge. You can see how the target ‘surface’ appears to MagicOpt and see the learning and convergence results.
MagicOpt provides a compelling SaaS offering that achieves unprecedented results. In addition to reliable predictions or optimization results, MagicOpt provides analytic information that our visualization tools, or yours, present.

Added Power for Enterprises
The standard capability of MagicOpt is extraordinary. If you have complex multi-parameter optimization needs or want to squeeze even more out of fewer trials, our enterprise packages offer added power.
Enterprise clients gain simultaneous optimization of multiple objective values, finding joint optima along a frontier. Enterprise clients can enable per-project “long term optimization.” This lets MagicOpt use anonymous hyperparameter history to fine-tune your similar projects over time. MagicOpt can find better solutions a little more quickly!
Technology Reduces Costs
Technology is getting less expensive, and driving costs down everywhere. MagicOpt’s sophisticated logic runs efficiently in the cloud. We even apply MagicOpt to improve itself. Our modest prices don’t reflect the power of the approach, but rather the elegance and efficiency we’ve achieved. Your projects will experience groundbreaking efficiency.

We would love to hear from you!
Note: MagicOpt is a technology partnership that does not offer commercial products or services to outside parties.